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Analysis of the Causes of Color Difference of White Stone

Time:2021-11-23 10:30:27  Source:  Views:793   Font-size:16px | 14px | 12px

1. The stone blocks come from different pit openings or different levels and directions;

2. There is no typesetting after stone cutting processing, or there is no sequential numbering according to the area after typesetting;

3. Failure to follow the code sheet and batch number provided by the supplier;

4. In the process of wet laying, the bonding material used touches the surface of the stone, and the color difference of the stone is caused after the reaction with the stone;

5. After a period of use of natural stone, the color gradually cutting machine begins to fade, and the original bright and bright stone begins to become gray and dark.

5.1. The chemical composition of the stone has changed, for example, some coloring substances in the stone have an oxidation multi blade cutting machine reaction with the air, which causes the color tone to change;

5.2. Some minerals in the stone lose crystal water, which reduces the color saturation of the stone;

5.3. The acid quarry stone block cutting machine gas or acid rain in the granite block cutter atmosphere changes the tone and brightness of the stone;

5.4. Paving space: Stones are more bridge cutting machine granite prone to yellowing in places with strong ultraviolet radiation.


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