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Mold treatment on marble cabinets

Time:2021-10-13 10:06:25  Source:  Views:855   Font-size:16px | 14px | 12px

The following methods can be used to deal with the growth of mold on marble cabinets:

When using marble cabinets, if you don't maintain it properly, it is easy to breed mold. When the cabinet marbles grow mold, you can cutting sandstone slabs also use the above methods to deal with. However, due to the large amount of oil in the kitchen, care must be taken automatic rod cutting machine to maintain the marble cabinets in stone cutting machine italy the kitchen.

To prevent mildew on marble cabinets:

1. When cooking, do not put the hot pot or hot pot directly on the marble cabinet to avoid damage to the surface of the marble granite laser cutting machine cabinet;

2. Do not hit the marble surface with sharp objects, so as not to multi blade granite cutting machine scratch the marble surface.


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